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© 2024 by Siacon Group of Companies [199301008289 (263026-T)]. All Rights Reserved. Building Construction Company Johor Bahru (JB) | Sewerage | Design & Build
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Together We Build


Siacon Technology
Secure and Intelligent | Your Building With Us

Siacon Technology Sdn Bhd is founded in 1993 in the South of Malaysia, Johor Bahru by the founder MR. SIA TIAN POH. The company is mainly focused in the construction of building and civil engineering works.
Siacon Technology is a building and sewerage construction company with currently more than 70 employees. We are constantly striving for excellence in delivering the best quality to meet our clients’ expectation and preserving the highest standard. Siacon Technology is formed by excellent organization leaders together with our employees who contribute their talent, resourcefulness and commitment to provide outstanding works.
Innovative Delivery For Project Success.


Our Core Values

  SSiacon Technology is an experienced and skillful CIDB certified G7 Construction Company that completed more than 150 buildings, sewerage and piling projects in Johor Bahru and have obtained numerous awards, such as QLASSIC and CONQUAS. Our team consists of a number of professional executive teams, administrative team, operation team and defect teams to provide outstanding project quality. Siacon Technology is also one of the ISO certified company in construction works.
We collaborate closely with our clients and suppliers to build lasting relationships and deliver cost effective buildings and civil engineering projects with superior quality.


Achieve customers' satisfaction and beyond.
Build and deliver quality products and services.
Compliance and continuously improving and maintaining quality management.


Our company's vision is to become leader within the construction industry. Our focus and effort are continually driven towards constantly improving our reputation as builders known for quality residential, commercial and industrial projects.

SIACON aims for 'future growth' by strengthening relationships with existing clients, architects, developers, government and private organizations whilst proactively seeking new opportunities nationally.

Management recognise each stage - estimating, tendering and construction - as critical components within the risk management model, but also vital steps toward developing trust with new and existing clients. As a result, we constantly invest in skilled training for our people, improve our estimating and project management departments, and maintain clear links of communication throughout the organization. SIACON is committed to the future.
Innovative technology applications, excellent integration of works and enterprising attitude had empowered our professional.
 Mr. Sia
Executive Director, SIACON Group
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© 2024 by Siacon Group of Companies [199301008289 (263026-T)]. All Rights Reserved. Building Construction Company Johor Bahru (JB) | Sewerage | Design & Build